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When we experience authentic relationship in Jesus,

we become generous with our time, our love, and our finances.


God gives us good things we don’t deserve and could never earn, like grace and forgiveness.


He gave the ultimate gift, His Son, for our sins. God also created you with a generous spirit and a desire to help move the mission forward.

You can support the work New City Church is doing in your community! We don't take your generosity for granted. We are so thankful to the many people who give faithfully to help us accomplish our mission. Click below to easily
and securely give online.

Community Projects

Your financial gifts help us partner with like-minded organizations to break the cycle of poverty, see students excel in school, tackle issues surrounding addiction, renewing our communities as we bridge the gap of racial divide and social injustice.

LOCAL & Global Missions

Your financial gifts help ministries and missionaries around the world by spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ as we bring hope to mankind, including orphans, widows, powerless young women, at-risk youth, and hurting communities. 

Caring for People

The local church should be poised and ready to care for people. Your financial gifts go toward caring for people who are experiencing a crisis - trauma, financial or devastation, creating ministry opportunities, and helping people take next steps in their discipleship journey.


Church Expansion

Each year, we set aside funds to update, repair, and care for our churches. Your financial gifts help us welcome people into safe and comfortable environments where nothing distracts them from meeting the real Jesus.

your giving impacts...

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